The Foundation
This site offers free access to its database of information on eye diseases and conditions in various languages. The site is accessible to the general public, and is primarily aimed at people suffering from eye diseases, their families and other interested parties. offers an extensive resource of over 310 eye diseases.
Our mission
- The website's mission is to provide easy and unlimited access to a reliable source of quality online health information on eye diseases.
- Facilitate user access to eye disease carrier groups.
- Raise awareness of different eye diseases, thereby promoting education and prevention of eye conditions.
- Help people with eye diseases and their family members to access targeted health information, which is not always easy to find. This enables anyone, even those who are not very Internet-savvy, to access this database.
The Pro Visu Look extension allows users to adapt the presentation of any web page with pre-selected themes that offer different contrasts, colors and sizes. With this extension, added to the user's browser, the user can increase the visual accessibility of the pages consulted, making them easier to read.
Info Vision app (only available for Android)
Vision disorders are common but little known, so the Pro Visu Foundation has created an app to inform the general public about these disorders. This app allows you to :
- learn more about more than 310 visual disorders and diseases
- learn more about the eye, vision, vision development, potential disorders and existing screening methods
- estimate the level of color vision using the Ishihara test
- simulate the vision of people with color vision disorders.
- access videos designed especially for children to help them learn more about vision disorders
- Adapt the screen with themes that offer different contrasts, sizes and colors.
InfoVision provides reliable and comprehensive information on vision disorders.
The app is available in French, English, Spanish, German and Portuguese.